Girls Competitive
Comp 3 (Level 3 - 4) - 12 Hours +/week
This program is designed for girls learning more challenging skills and routines in preparation for OCP Level 3 – 5 competitions, with the goal of qualifying for Ontario Championships. Summer Training is required!
Comp 2 (Level 4 - 5) 16 hours +/week
This program is designed for girls learning more challenging skills and routines in preparation for OCP Level 3 – 5 competitions, with the goal of qualifying for Ontario Championships. Summer Training is required!
Comp 1 (Level 6 +) - 18 hours +/week
This program is designed for girls learning more challenging skills and routines in preparation for OCP Level 6 - 10 competitions, with the goal of qualifying for Tour Teams, Ontario & Eastern Championships. Summer Training is required!